Monday, November 26, 2012

Back Link Building: The Most Valuable Links

Webmasters have a bit of an obsession with getting as many links as they can for their sites. This really just goes to show that most of them really don't know what they are doing when it comes to search engine optimization. The goal is to get high quality links not to get as many as you can. Your time will be far better spent on going after the best links rather than trying to get thousands of low quality ones.

The most important thing, by far when it comes to assessing a links value is the site that it comes from. The quality of a site is largely determined by the links that it has pointing at it. The reason is that the computer algorithm that is used by the search engines to rank sites has no way of determining quality on its own. Instead it works on the assumption that sites that get links from other quality sites are themselves quality sites.

It is not enough for the link to come from a quality site, it also has to come from a relevant one. There is little reason for a site to link to another site that is on a topic that is completely unrelated. Therefore when it happens the search engines will just assume that it was put there for the purpose of getting a better search engine ranking. It is therefore important that you make sure that your links come from sites that are relevant to your site as far as possible.

The site that the link comes from is not the only factor that is used in assessing the quality of a link, where on the site it comes from is also relevant. The reason is that most sites have pages that are dedicated to providing links to other sites that are relevant, often there will be dozens of links on these pages. On blogs these links are often put in the side bar. These links do not have a lot of value simply because there are so many of them. Far more valuable are links that appear in the actual text of an article on the site, there are a lot fewer of them so they are worth more.

A good rule of thumb to keep in mind when you are trying to determine how much a link will be worth is how difficult it is to acquire. Links that are easy to get will have little value since everybody with a website will have gotten the same ones. If you can get a link that the average webmaster would not be able to get you will find that it is far more valuable.

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