Monday, November 26, 2012

Top 5 Ways To Increase Your PageRank

If you have a business, PageRank is absolutely crucial. It determines your search engine rankings, and a high PageRank gives the impression that your site is credible and should be trusted. In addition, a high PageRank also opens up the possibility of other income streams through your website. So, how do we go about raising PageRank? Well, here is my list of the top 5 ways to increase your PageRank.

1. To start, submit your website to many different web directories. This will have two effects. To start, it will be creating backlinks that will help your PageRank. Second, it will get your website out to more people that may be looking through these web directories for interesting or useful websites to check out. It's a definite win-win for you.

2. Consider creating a blog for your website. Right now, some SEO gurus may be scratching their head and wondering what effect this would have. However, if you create a blog and create some good postings, other blogs are more likely to link back to our blog. This can have a great effect with your PageRank if you get a few other high quality blogs talking about your post.

3. This method goes right up with the previous method. Take one of the posts you have written for your blog, and submit it to some other websites. Many websites welcome guest posts or welcome links to some of your posts. This is a great way of increasing your PageRank through the backlinks, and of course, reaching new users that may click on your links!

4. Look for relevant blogs and consider posting comments on them! Not only can you make some new friends, but you can often include a link back to your own website with some of your posts. This is a great way to increase awareness of your website and increase your PageRank.

5. Finally, consider using RSS. RSS is a very common way for people to follow your blogs by following your RSS feeds. It's also a great way to get more backlinks through these feeds. In addition, something else to consider is that there are many websites you can submit your RSS feeds to! More and more backlinks = more and more PageRank. I highly recommend this method.

I hope you have some more ideas now as to how to create your PageRank. You may have noticed that all of these PageRank ideas involve creating backlinks. The reason for this is because backlinks are the only known way to increase PageRank. There may be other factors, but for now, it's being kept a secret. Good luck!

Backlink Strategy: Successful Offline Backlinking Tips   Backlink Tool: What Is Anchor Text and Why Is It Important for Link Building?   Why Should I Care About Directory Guidelines?   

Link Building Made Simple

Link building is a long and hard process that most people do not even want to attempt to do. Many people spend months trying to link build and end up failing or not choosing the right back links for their website. There are a few simpler ways to back-link your website though. They are ways to link the website without going through a long and endearing process and may be much easier for the amateur user than getting into the full depth complication of link building.

One easy way to get more views for your website is to create your own page on a social networking site. Using Facebook, MySpace or any other reputable and famous social networking site can boost your publicity in the online world. By creating a page on one of these sites, more people will be able to find your site using searches within the networking site. Making a blog within your network site can also boost your popularity. Many people enjoy reading blogs and simple searches will direct people to your company's blog site.

Your website text should have interesting and targeted keywords in the title. This will make it easier for your website to be spotted by potential customers. Using basic and firm keywords will make your site pop up more clearly on web searches.

Another way to easily increase traffic is to add your website link to a link directory. There are many free link directory sites, since you should not spend money until you are confident you will receive results. Make sure you place your link in the proper subcategory to best represent your company.

The last and one of the best forms of traffic building is to write an article that relates directly to your website and back linking it. You can do this by creating an article that thoroughly represents the site in an interesting and exciting way, and submitting it to an article directory that can be found in a Google search. Including search engine optimization keywords in your article will also help boost your traffic and hits.

Your company's website should not suffer and if you do not have the money to have your website professionally built, using these simple methods of link building should help your traffic in no time. Do not think you are stuck in a rut if you do not have the money to hire professionals. Take your time and thoroughly complete these steps to watch your website grow and the profits boosted.

Backlink Strategy: Successful Offline Backlinking Tips   Backlink Tool: What Is Anchor Text and Why Is It Important for Link Building?   Why Should I Care About Directory Guidelines?   

Backlink Tool: How to Build Links to Your Small Business

Link building is one of the most time consuming aspects of marketing your small business online. If you want to rank in your city or state for a specific keyword, it is important to gain links from the community that you are targeting. Speaking at local events, hosting workshops, and submitting your website to local business directories are some of the best ways to build links to your local business.

The first step in building links to your small business is to create a site or blog related to your niche. Add relevant content about your products and services, build social media profiles, and let your customers know about your website. If you are on a tight budget, set up a blog and post fresh content regularly. Share your articles on social networking and social bookmarking websites.

Add your website to local directories. This is the first place where you should look for links. Make sure you submit your site to Google Places, Yellow Pages, Bing Local, as Yelp. Directory submission is a great way to build relevant links to your site and promote your business to a local audience. You can also use a backlink tool to get faster results. There are many programs and applications that can help you obtain quality links and boost traffic.

Make a list of local organizations and business associations in your city or state. Submit your website to the local chamber of commerce. If you get linked here, other companies and websites will use your data to write reviews and find information about the types of products you are offering. Search for company directories and submit your site there as well. Scan your network for backlinks that are easily attainable. By joining local organizations, you will get more customers and gain exposure for your business.

Another good way to get backlinks for your local business is to sponsor events, sports teams, and charities. You can help non-profit organizations raise money, support local activism groups, or donate products to schools. The companies that support charities and community events are usually listed on the organization's website and receive advertising by word of mouth. You can also sponsor local art shows, concerts, and business workshops. Focus on developing relationships with non-competing businesses in your area. Organize a monthly contest on your website. Get your business listed on review websites. These simple strategies will help you build relevant links and establish your online brand.

Backlink Strategy: Successful Offline Backlinking Tips   Backlink Tool: What Is Anchor Text and Why Is It Important for Link Building?   Why Should I Care About Directory Guidelines?   

Backlink Tool: Link Building Tips for Your Real Estate Business

Being a real estate agent is tough these days. This business has always revolved around networking and personal connections. A smart link building strategy will help you drive customers and potential partners to your website. Some webmasters and SEO agencies prefer to use a backlink tool for promoting real estate businesses on the Internet.

If you run a small company, you probably want to promote your services to potential vendors or promote your existing properties to people looking for a new home or office in your area. With this in mind, here are a few simple tips for building relevant links to your real estate website:

Develop a SEO Friendly Website

It is important to create a website that is easy to manage and SEO friendly. WordPress has hundreds of free and premium themes geared toward the real estate professional. It is one of the most flexible and widely used platforms on the Internet. Many business owners and webmasters use WordPress because it supports all types of media, including videos, images, text, and social media applications. This free platform allows you to build backlinks easily.

Focus on Article Marketing

There are many free article directories for real estate businesses. Hire a copywriter to write a unique article about your brand and mission, submit the post to article directories, and include a link to your website. You can write about the properties you are selling or you can promote specific locations. This strategy will boost traffic to your site and help you get high quality backlinks.

Sign Up on Forums

Posting on forums is one the most effective link building strategies out there. Make a list of real estate forums where you can interact with potential clients and other real estate agents. Answer customers' questions and share your expertise. Forum posting will help you establish your online reputation, build links, and find new clients. The competitive nature of this business demands a strong online presence.

Create Virtual Tours

Adding videos and pictures on your website can help you with your SEO efforts. Create virtual tours of the properties you have for sale. Share them on social media sites, forums, and video sites. This technique will draw potential clients to your website and increase your popularity online. Include relevant links in your content. You may also take pictures of the properties and locations that you are promoting and offer them under Creative Commons Attribution License.

Backlink Strategy: Successful Offline Backlinking Tips   Backlink Tool: What Is Anchor Text and Why Is It Important for Link Building?   Why Should I Care About Directory Guidelines?   

Forum Profile Backlinks - The Pro's And Con's

For this article, I'm going to talk a little bit about Forum Profile Backlinks. You may know a bit about backlinks, but what about profile backlinks specifically? Are they useful? What are some of their pro's and con's?

To start off this article, let me briefly explain what forum profile backlinks are. Backlinks in itself are links to your website that can be used to help your search engine rankings. Forum profile backlinks are a specific type of backlink that are created on profiles that you create on various forums. Being that this is a specific type of backlink, it has it's own sets of pro's and con's. Let's look at the pro's with this type of backlink.

To start, it has been my experience that the majority of forum profiles will allow dofollow backlinks. The dofollow attribute is very important to some people when they create backlinks. There is a common belief that only dofollow backlinks will actually count towards your search engine rankings. I'm not sure I completely believe this, but maybe it is true. With that said, if you believe that only dofollow backlinks count, then this is a big positive for using forum profile backlinks.

Another positive with forum backlinks is that a lot of forums will encourage them. You may notice on some forums that when you create a profile, there will actually be a box for your web URL. The website is actually encouraging you to leave your backlink there! This is definitely a big positive, and it can lead to links that stick around for many years.

Now, what about the con's? Well, the one major downside I can think of is that because you are creating new profiles, the links will appear on new pages. This means that Google has to first find these profiles, before they can index your link. To some, this is a problem because it could take anywhere from a few hours to a few months just to have your backlink counted. Other's consider this a positive though, because they don't want all of their backlinks being found at once. Instead of having them all found in one day, they can have their backlinks found gradually over a few weeks/months. So when it comes to forum backlinks, the big disadvantage is in fact an advantage depending on who you ask.

In all, I hope this helped you to understand profile backlinks a bit more. Profile backlinks are just like any other tool. If you know how to use them and what keywords to target, it can lead to lots and lots of success. Good luck with your website!

Backlink Strategy: Successful Offline Backlinking Tips   Backlink Tool: What Is Anchor Text and Why Is It Important for Link Building?   Why Should I Care About Directory Guidelines?   

Link Building - Using Articles for Simple and Effective Approach

Do you wish to place your website among the top ranked ones? What can you do to make this happen? Have you tried almost all the methods but ended up in vain? There are several ways to get increased traffic to your website and some are simple whereas the others are pretty tough. Trust me link building is the perfect answer to your question even though it is quite confusing and tiring one.

You are pretty aware that the internet is filled up with content in the form of blog posts and articles. The reality is that the exact source is unknown and if it is original and unique Google indexing is possible to a greater extent. To boost up this process, some great anchor-text links can be included to highlight what the article is all about so that the readers get a quick idea.

Once your article is ready for link building, now the question is where to post it. The answer is simple and vast as there are plenty of submitting sources online like the article directories, free website services, blogs and other directories. Each one of these is different from the other and the output that you receive from the submitted articles varies greatly. If you take them separately and try to learn more about them, you are sure to find both advantages as well as the disadvantages.

Once you have a better idea of the services you can avail after your article is ready, the next thing to consider is whether you want to focus on quality or quantity to maximize link building. There are directories accepting just anything and here you have to add tons of material related to your website and still you have to wait for the results. On the other hand, there are certain top ranking article directories that accept only quality content and of course Google consider it separately. In here it is sufficient to post just a couple of high quality articles and you can find results pretty soon. is one such site that got me a PR3 rank after adding in a couple of outside links to my author bio section.

There are several freelancers who can get the articles ready for you to post anywhere on the internet to gain instant result. Whatever be your choice, there can be nothing simple and effective like articles for link building.

Backlink Strategy: Successful Offline Backlinking Tips   Backlink Tool: What Is Anchor Text and Why Is It Important for Link Building?   Why Should I Care About Directory Guidelines?   

13 Easy Ways To Get Backlinks

Backlinks are the foundation of any good SEO strategy. While they shouldn't be the entire strategy to market your website, they are certainly an important part. Here are 13 ways to build backlinks to your website in an honest and authentic way that search engines and people will appreciate.

1. Leave a comment on a blog that you read. That seems obvious, but recent trends seem to have people tweeting and "liking" instead of leaving actual comments. Bloggers appreciate comments and if your link is relevant then all the better.

2. Build a Squidoo lens. This is super easy to do and I think you'll be surprised at how much targeted traffic even a very simple Squidoo lens can get itself and how much it can bring to your website.

3. Answer questions about your topic on Yahoo Answers. I'm not saying you have to be the top expert in the world on your subject, but if you know anything at all about it (and I'm guessing you do) then chances are you know more than 90% of people in regards to the subject and you can knowledgably answer a handful of questions. Add a link to your resource as long as it is relevant to the question and it will be very appreciated by the person who asked.

4. Add something to Wikipedia. Tread carefully here and only add the link if it is a very relevant resource for the Wiki page. This is a great authority link to have pointing to your website.

5. Have a giveaway on your blog. Links will spread like wildfire when you host a giveaway. People enjoy the fun of a giveaway and they like free stuff. They'll tweet, Facebook, and blog about your offering to tell their friends. You can boost the incentive to link to you by offering extra entries into the drawing for those who do a blog post linking to you. Tools like Rafflecopter can help you keep things organized.

6. Just ask for it. Never underestimate the power of simply asking politely if the webmaster of a site will link to you as a resource. You'll be surprised how often people in your niche will respond with a yes. They may ask you to do something for them in return, or they might not. Either way, do something nice for them in return, tweet a blog post of theirs that you enjoyed, share something they did with your audience, like their Facebook page, etcetera.

7. Submit a press release to make an announcement. Of course, for this instance of a link you need to have something worth announcing. You might have released a new product, maybe a report you wrote, or you might announce your upcoming guest appearance on a podcast.

8. Speaking of guest appearances, submit a guest blog post on a relevant blog in your niche. We all have times that we're busy and in need of content. If you have a well written article that you send to a fellow blogger and ask them to be a guest chances are they will welcome you with open arms. Be polite when you send your guest posting request, include at least a summary of the article if you don't include the full article. After they post the article, thank them and ask if they need any additional content.

9. Get social. Social media is factored into the search engine algorithms these days, so all those tweets, likes, shares, and thumbs up can come in handy and count toward your link building efforts. My advice here is to actually be socially, don't just share your own things but share the things you read, comment to people, and don't be afraid to share tidbits that have nothing to do with "business," share a joke, share something funny, share a photo, just share.

10. Write an article and submit it to an article directory. It only takes a little bit of your time to do this, the link is still counted by the search engines even in a post-Panda world, and it may just get picked up and reprinted for an e-newsletter.

11. Create a short video and post it to YouTube, linking back to your website in the description. This is something a lot of people forget to do. Don't just throw up any old video - make it relevant and useful information about your niche or subject. Give a short demonstration or answer a frequently asked question. You don't have to appear on camera if you don't want to, you can do a Power Point presentation and record it with a program like Jing instead.

12. Make a donation to a cause that you support or an online tool that you frequently use. Often times donation buttons are accompanied by links to contributors, it's an easy link to get and you'll feel good about it at the end of the day.

13. Give yourself a link. An often overlooked link is the type that you build internally. A good internal link structure helps the search engines out when they crawl your site and it just makes sense from a reader's perspective when you link to something relevant on your website from something else on your website.

Over all make sure that you publish content for people, not for search engines. If you consistently write good content for actual people that is relevant and useful, they're naturally going to share it when appropriate. Whether that's in the form of social media or a link to you from their blog, it's all good.

Backlink Strategy: Successful Offline Backlinking Tips   Backlink Tool: What Is Anchor Text and Why Is It Important for Link Building?   Why Should I Care About Directory Guidelines?   

Link Building and Popularity

Any SEO expert will tell you that link building is the primary path for getting higher rankings from the Search Engines. Good link building is all about getting backlinks from quality sites and optimizing that reference to increase your websites popularity. Quality backlinks will result in higher rankings for your Page Rank < PR > with Google as well as your Search Engine Results Page position < SERP > with all of the other Search Engines. Link popularity measures how many different sites point to your web page. They represent endorsements of your website by other people which defines the value of your website content by considering your site to be an authority site.

Not all links will contribute the same weight to your web sites popularity. Each website is measured by its own link popularity as well as its reputation and how many sites it is endorsing. Search engines are also capable of identifying link farms and free for all sites which are groups of poor quality websites that link to themselves in an attempt to falsely inflate their link popularity scores. These types of sites do not bring any value to your web site. Getting an inbound link from one of these "Bad Neighborhood" websites can actually negatively impact your websites link popularity score.

To improve your sites popularity, you will need to research and find high quality one-way links and exchange links with related sites < reciprocal linking > and acquire those links to build your link popularity. Find links that are complementary and related to the theme of your site and useful to your users. It is vital that you only get links from relevant, high quality sites. Good link building can dramatically increase the traffic to your web site and be key to your online marketing success. Well placed related links are an excellent source for consistent and targeted traffic by generating additional search engine traffic to your site. Link popularity is a major factor that is used by search engines to determine a sites Search Engine Result. A site that has more inbound links will usually be positioned higher than a similar site that has fewer links.

Building your links properly and making sure that your link submissions do not look like spam can be a daunting and time consuming task, and there are many professional Link Building companies that can assist you with this process. When done effectively, this type of site promotion will get your site noticed, improve your search engine ranking and increase your web sites popularity!

Backlink Strategy: Successful Offline Backlinking Tips   Backlink Tool: What Is Anchor Text and Why Is It Important for Link Building?   Why Should I Care About Directory Guidelines?   

Successful Backlink Building With Press Releases

Press release submission can help you gain exposure for your website and build authoritative links. Distributing press releases on the Internet is one of the best ways to boost your search engine rankings and drive targeted traffic to your site. As part of your overall search engine optimization strategy, there are several reasons why this service can be beneficial: get backlinks from websites that find you via a news release, earn one way links from well established sources, and get indexed in directories that redistribute news releases.

Many webmasters and public relations professionals use news wires - sites that publish and distribute press releases. Some of these websites have high page rank and attract thousands of visitors every day. Many journalists use news wires to find content for their next articles. These sites are usually treated with a lot of trust and respect by their readers.

A well written press release should get in front of the eyes of bloggers, news reporters and other industry experts. Press releases go beyond email marketing. Google News and other reputable sites regularly collect and publish stories that are taken directly from news wires. The more people republish your news release, the more backlinks you will get. Using news releases to get the word out has long been an effective way of advertising your products and services.

There are many news sites on the web, and picking the right one will make the difference. It is recommended to mix up the sites you use to send a press release. Do proper research to find those that can work the best for your business and link building strategy. Keep in mind that some news sites will check to make sure that your release is unique, so make sure you publish on those sites first. Use keyword-rich anchor text in your links in order to get the best results in terms of SEO.

When you write news releases, identify one keyword that you want to rank for. Place that keyword in the title of the page and in the body. Make sure the keyword you choose is relevant to your website and receives a decent amount of monthly traffic. The keyword should be included at least once in the "About" section and one to three times in the body of the press release. Create a compelling title that grabs people's attention and encourages them to link to you. Only distribute newsworthy press releases and don't link to the same page more than once.

Backlink Strategy: Successful Offline Backlinking Tips   Backlink Tool: What Is Anchor Text and Why Is It Important for Link Building?   Why Should I Care About Directory Guidelines?   

Back Link Building: The Most Valuable Links

Webmasters have a bit of an obsession with getting as many links as they can for their sites. This really just goes to show that most of them really don't know what they are doing when it comes to search engine optimization. The goal is to get high quality links not to get as many as you can. Your time will be far better spent on going after the best links rather than trying to get thousands of low quality ones.

The most important thing, by far when it comes to assessing a links value is the site that it comes from. The quality of a site is largely determined by the links that it has pointing at it. The reason is that the computer algorithm that is used by the search engines to rank sites has no way of determining quality on its own. Instead it works on the assumption that sites that get links from other quality sites are themselves quality sites.

It is not enough for the link to come from a quality site, it also has to come from a relevant one. There is little reason for a site to link to another site that is on a topic that is completely unrelated. Therefore when it happens the search engines will just assume that it was put there for the purpose of getting a better search engine ranking. It is therefore important that you make sure that your links come from sites that are relevant to your site as far as possible.

The site that the link comes from is not the only factor that is used in assessing the quality of a link, where on the site it comes from is also relevant. The reason is that most sites have pages that are dedicated to providing links to other sites that are relevant, often there will be dozens of links on these pages. On blogs these links are often put in the side bar. These links do not have a lot of value simply because there are so many of them. Far more valuable are links that appear in the actual text of an article on the site, there are a lot fewer of them so they are worth more.

A good rule of thumb to keep in mind when you are trying to determine how much a link will be worth is how difficult it is to acquire. Links that are easy to get will have little value since everybody with a website will have gotten the same ones. If you can get a link that the average webmaster would not be able to get you will find that it is far more valuable.

Backlink Strategy: Successful Offline Backlinking Tips   Backlink Tool: What Is Anchor Text and Why Is It Important for Link Building?   Why Should I Care About Directory Guidelines?   

Anchor Text: Beating The Panda and The Penguin

Anchor text is nothing more than the text you click on in a link. It has great SEO value. It IS your keyword. So those of you trying to rank for specific keywords in SEO, remember, DON'T' OVER USE A KEYWORD IN YOUR ANCHOR TEXT.

Please understand that most links to content online don't have to be "keyword perfect".

On that subject, I'd like to mention that I tend to optimize on a ten to one ratio. Meaning any keyword I want to anchor for I am going to find ten (or more) long tail keywords for my SEO efforts and content. NEVER will I use keyword1 over and over again and again. In fact I actually like to 'water down' my SEO to hide it from Google, say with article marketing.

Then, I am going to switch gears, use a different SEO tactic and use the same keywords all over again.

The reason why I like to water down my SEO: A lot of SEO experts are hypothesizing that exact match anchor text might have been a big flag for the Penguin update. It's important to diversify your anchor text so the search engines don't have any reason to suspect that you might be trying to manipulate the SERPs.

Further, for those of us that are risk takers: Branded keywords are probably going to make up a large percentage of your link portfolio, but you don't want to rely too heavily on a short list of targeted keywords (and please don't use CLÍCK HERE as anchor text; it has no SEO value) for your links. Much like with optimizing your content, there is no "right" number of times to use a particular keyword or keyword phrase as your anchor text.

So when you start thinking about keywords for your anchor text, start with the money keywords and throw in a lot of long tail and English keywords as well, the stuff a human might use, but unfortunately it cannot be misspelled nor can it make nonsense. Sadly, that is not how people search but if you're going to be embedding the text as links in your content, this is what you must do.

At some point I know you're going to start saying $#!@#$%! Google. Just like me. But you'll have to get used to working your SEO better and smarter. They know that Google is a machine. They know humans manipulate machines. But the level of manipulation? It got a little out of hand. Hence we have to be very wise and very natural when it comes to creating words for anchor text links in our content.

If we have too many backlinks with the same keyword in ratio to other keywords and text we have pointing to our site, what is it called? It's called spamming.

Right now, as of this writing, Google HAS NOT gotten it right with their anti-spam update. The only thing they've gone after are small sites relevant to the subject that they are relevant for. And every time they do an update this happens. They key to survive here is basic marketing. You're trying to drive visitors to your site. Period. So repurpose your content in many ways, increase your keyword list and focus on a pattern and style of keyword anchor text linking that fits well into the human eye and average reader. This may very well be the only way to survive the Google "update."

Backlink Strategy: Successful Offline Backlinking Tips   Backlink Tool: What Is Anchor Text and Why Is It Important for Link Building?   Why Should I Care About Directory Guidelines?   

Linking Strategies For The Panda and Penguin Age

Starting out, I want to make it clear that search engine optimization, search engine marketing, seo or what have you is nothing more than marketing. Period.

Things to focus on:

- Vary anchor text and aim for less than 50% of anchor text to be optimized - Keep quality as high as possible - Get a good mix of no follow and do follow links - Get a wide variety of links - don't just focus on one type - Avoid blog networks, various schemes and anything that may look unnatural

Vary Anchor Text

Simple, when creating links, create them like users would. Be overly specific or over simplified won't work. You need to include your 'money keywords', yes, but you also have to consider the subject of the links and what users would be including in a link.

High Quality - Get As Many As Possible

Start a good link building campaign. Submit quality articles to sites such as this one. Get a social presence. Link to your articles and site often. Vary the links, anchor text and frequency.

Mix It Up!

Get No Follow, Do Follow links. Get them from blogs, directories, article sites, social and Web 2.0 sites and keep it up!

Be advised: One site that I know of had a reasonable amount of text links and diversity and their domain name happened to be the exact thing they did and people would be searching for. They had very little seo work done and what backlinks they did have were greater than the competition. They were de-ranked anyways. What worked? The classified ads they had, which of course had content and pointer to their main site. So it isn't always about linking your url.

So remember....

It's all about focusing on quality these days. Ranking is very easy when you use quality link building. Spammy link building has been great for years but it is slowly coming to an end. Get high PR links through guest posting or a private blog source. Create quality web 2.0's that link to your website. Quality, reputable sources are key. Build quality links to your site from quality sources. And build a quality site while you're at it.

Try to get a piece of content on your site to go viral, the point of this is to build links, not get traffic through the links. The traffic will come through the other pages on the site due to your site's authority built through the 100% legit links that will come when your content goes viral.

There are a lot of ways to build links, but the only ways that really work are the ones that are quality, natural and come from reputable sources. Failure to link properly wastes time, money, and energy and really doesn't even get a good search engines attention, it will leave you at the bottom. So start your quality linking strategy today.

Backlink Strategy: Successful Offline Backlinking Tips   Backlink Tool: What Is Anchor Text and Why Is It Important for Link Building?   Why Should I Care About Directory Guidelines?   

3-Way Links: Link Building That Google Loves

As an online marketer, you already know that Google rules the roost when it comes to getting traffic to your website. Your site must show up near the top of the results on Google when a user types a search term into the box if you hope to get visitors and shoppers to enter your web store. Since there are more than 8 billion websites on the Internet at last count, it is not that easy to be sure that the web crawlers that Google sends out will locate your site and boost it to the top of the list. One of the best ways to attract the attention of the Google-bots is to acquire a large number of one-way links that point to your site. So, what strategy should you use to gather those links?

Jonathan Leger is a marketing expert who has written several ebooks and developed a number of software products that were all designed to help marketers earn that crucial top-tier Google ranking. After extensive research and a lot of trial and error with his own sites, he has learned that there are three basis types of links that Google is looking for before it will bestow the honor of a good rank on your e-commerce business. In a nutshell, you need:

• Several different link texts. Google does not look kindly on hundreds and hundreds of links to your site that all have exactly the same text. In fact, you may actually be punished and put in the infamous Google "sandbox" if you have too many identical links. Jon Leger says his research shows that creating about 60% of your links with your top search term is good. He then recommends that you use a secondary keyword for about 30% of the links, and 10% for a third term. This method produces the kind of diversity of links that Google loves while keeping your main keywords in the forefront of your efforts.

• A gradual growth in links. The Google-gods will not be pleased if hundreds of new links to your site appear all at once. That is like a huge red flag that says, "These links are from spammy, poor quality link farms." There are some services and unscrupulous SEO experts out there that will do this kind of linking, and it is bad news for any business. Instead, a slow but steady growth in the number of links to your site is the ideal you should strive for.

• Links from many different geographic areas. Likewise, Google is not fond of links that all come from the same IP address, or even several different addresses that are too close together geographically. The best idea is to have incoming links from many different places all around the world.

Ok, so now that you know what Google wants, how do you as a marketer go about making sure Google is pleased? Jonathan Leger has created a product that can satisfy all of the criteria set forth by the search engine giant, and save you lots of time and effort in the process.

3 Way Links

When you sign up as a member of 3 Way Links, you will be joining a vast network of websites that are all looking for links the way you are. It is an easy process to join the program. All you have to do is add the domain you want to promote and your desired keywords into the system. Then, you upload a PHP file to your site from 3 Way Links, and make a link to that file from your home page. That's all you have to do. 3 Way Links then automatically creates links from other sites within the network that follow all the rules that Google sets out.

You will get links with several different texts, from many unique IP addresses, that build up gradually over the course of a few weeks. As an added bonus, none of the links will be simple reciprocal links that are usually ignored by web crawlers. Instead, they all involve three different sites where A links to B, and B links to C, while C links back to A. That way all the links are one-way and are smiled upon by Google. It is a terrific time saver for a busy web master, and a very effective strategy.


As a businessman, you are undoubtedly interested in the cost of such a valuable service. For $47 a month, you can put as many as 50 sites into the network and receive up to 250 links for each website. That's less than $1 per site per month. When you think of the potential for a return on your investment that is many times larger than your $47, the program sounds like a very good deal, indeed.

Backlink Strategy: Successful Offline Backlinking Tips   Backlink Tool: What Is Anchor Text and Why Is It Important for Link Building?   Why Should I Care About Directory Guidelines?   

Backlink Tool: Link Building Tips to Increase Your Search Engine Rankings

Most Internet marketers and webmasters want to get top listings for their keywords in search engines. Google determines the importance and value of a website based on several factors, including the number of quality backlinks pointing to that site. Getting backlinks from trusted sites adds value to your website.

Search engine rankings measure the importance of a web page. The best way to increase your rank is to get other websites linking to you. Search engines see links as "votes" for your website or blog. You can get backlinks from a variety of sources, including:

• News websites

• Educational organizations

• Bloggers and webmasters in the same niche

• Forums

• Social media sites

• Social bookmarking sites

• Industry associations

• Web directories

• Article directories

It is important to get inbound links from relevant websites with a high rank in search engines. This way you will increase your rankings and gain popularity on the Internet. Link building can help you establish credibility and trust. Search engines display the highest ranking sites on the first pages. Targeted traffic is another benefit of link building. If your website has a significant number of backlinks, people will find your content easily.

The first step to increase your search engine rankings is getting links from well established sites. To do this, you first need to find out which sites and blogs have the highest ranking in your niche. Secondly, you should focus on getting inbound links from authority websites, including government sites, article directories, and non-commercial websites. The links should come from different sources. Send out press releases, answer questions on forums, and leave comments on other people's blogs in order to increase link popularity and share your expertise.

Update your website with quality content frequently. By adding relevant posts on a regular basis, your rank will increase. In addition, people will share your content and link back to your website. Make sure you do keyword research before you start adding content. Include keywords in your link text. In order to maximize your rankings and traffic, you need to ensure that you don't have too many ongoing links.

Some links are better than others. Focus on quality at all times. Don't start building links from hundreds of different websites at once. Use your keywords as anchor text in your backlinks. Leave informative comments on other websites and blogs to build your credibility and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

Backlink Strategy: Successful Offline Backlinking Tips   Backlink Tool: What Is Anchor Text and Why Is It Important for Link Building?   Why Should I Care About Directory Guidelines?   

Avoid NoFollow and Keep Your Links!

In the world of SEO and page ranking, it is common knowledge that links of all kinds are a key part of such an effort. Links going to and coming from a website create presence, credibility and offer more chances for indexing and page ranking. So it is crucial to ensure that all of them not only work but do not have "'nofollow'" connections as that completely negates any effort put into SEO for website and all connecting pages.

The html 'nofollow' command that is generally seen within the html code as '<i>link rel='nofollow'</i>' is a command created a number of years ago by Google as an attempt to combat comment spam which would flood blogs and websites from time to time. The command instructs search engines to ignore any connections displaying the 'nofollow' tag when searching pages and creating page rank indexes.

Link Functions In order for this to make sense, it needs to be understood how links work in general regarding indexing. Basically, search engines look for them, "follow" them to a destination, and then rank based on certain factors. These connections can be internal, going from one page on a website to another; links can also be external, going from one website to another one. Connection to an internet location with a higher assigned ranking value is very beneficial and lends credibility to an internet location. This makes it even more important to have good content and shared connections with other respectable online domains.

Spam Linking was established to allow genuine comments on a website to connect back to its originator, which was certainly good. Unfortunately, spammers used this connection to flood unsuspecting blogs with connections to their low-quality sites, creating trash coupling. This reduced the number of high-quality links and the value they provided and also associated a connection and its website/blog with low-quality traffic, eventually affecting the rank of a website, which is exactly the opposite of what is being attempted with good SEO. In many cases, the existence of spam links it is not realized so they aren't deleted. Additionally, many do not even realize that they have anything creating this problem, which is even worse, since they then do not get deleted. Worse yet, if a site has enough of these types of follows, it is possible the entire website could be banned from Google's indexes.

Combating Spam In order to combat this spamming and low-quality link value problem, Google created the 'nofollow' command; it told the search engines not to index a certain connection. While this was great for cutting down on spam, it also essentially eliminated any chance to gain good follows and the value they provided. So, while including 'nofollow' serves one purpose, it kills another which is the main issue with using 'nofollow'. Additionally, Google has since reported that they have learned that 'nofollow' does not actually prevent spamming in the way they had hoped.

Avoiding Spam The verdict is to not use 'nofollow' - ever. In order to avoid spam, there are a few recommended ways to accomplish this. All links should be checked to be sure that they work and go to the intended location. A periodic spam search is needed as well as consideration about installing a Captcha or other similar comment reducer. It would also help to consolidate website links so there are as few as possible with the remaining ones connecting to very relevant and valuable content.

This reinforces three important ideas in web building for page rank: doing good keyword research; having good content; and not using 'nofollow.' As long as incoming connections and comments are monitored for spam as mentioned above, removing all 'nofollow' links from blogs and sites should be beneficial for increasing page rank!

Backlink Strategy: Successful Offline Backlinking Tips   Backlink Tool: What Is Anchor Text and Why Is It Important for Link Building?   Why Should I Care About Directory Guidelines?   

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